"I am here to help you improve your energy, recovery, training adaptations, and sport-specific skills with advanced nutrition strategies tailored for Esports athletes. My goal is to help you stand out and become the best Esports athlete."

Don’t eat another meal until you read my Esports nutrition quick-start guide. It will give you an exact protocol to follow to get you set up and on your way to results. Don't miss out!
GamerDiet Patreon
My goal with GamerDiet.GG has always been to provide you with as much evidence-based performance nutrition guidance as I can, while remaining completely free and without ads. Across it all, the time demands have grown and it clashes with my day job.
I have no staff or interns, and I pay for everything 100% out of pocket. Still, it’s truly a labor of love. Even with the rage quits, I owe a lot of sanity and happiness to the gaming world. If you have found any value at all in the services I have provided, please consider a donation to support this venture’s sustainability.
Your support really does make a huge difference. And as a token of my appreciation, I’ll kick some awesome value back to you if you do (seriously, check it out)!
Support Tiers:

Nutrition Initiate
$1 / Month
$10 / Month

$100 / Month